- Business intelligence
- Automated email alert
- Improved data quality
- Monthly progress reports
- Collaboration with thousands of federal procurement officials

What are
FedDataCheck’s results?
- FPDS-NG data quality rate of FedDataCheck subscribers is 93.9%. Rest of federal civilian agencies, 88.2%
- Commerce NOAA data quality is 99.2%. Rest of Commerce is 87.6%. Similar large differences also found for GSA Public Buildings Server vs GSA and USDA Agricultural Research Services vs USDA.
- Billions of obligated dollars added (correctly) to the competed award column
- Billions of obligated dollars removed (correctly) from the competitive one bid column
- Transactions involving higher risk and debarred vendors under automated and close watch
- FPDS-NG data quality rate of FedDataCheck subscribers is 93.9%. Rest of federal civilian agencies, 88.2%
- Billions of obligated dollars added (correctly) to the competed award column
- Billions of obligated dollars removed (correctly) from the competitive one bid column
- Transactions involving higher risk and debarred vendors under automated and close watch
Contractor Business
Integrated data from the three federal systems (FPDS, USAspending, and SAM)
Graphical overviewof the business performance and prospects, as well as detail data provided in Excel format
Data enhancements such as identifying active versus inactive awards as well as competed versus not competed awards

How is it done?
- Automated integration of FPDS, SAM, USA spending, and other federal procurement sources
- Collaboration with thousands of federal contracting officials
- Use of a web-based, business intelligence system that has encoded the collective wisdom of dozens of senior acquisition oversight officials
- Automated reports and alerts targeted and tailored towards a CO’s own data input

Contractor Responsibility Assessment Reporting
- Contracting Officer or Contract Specialist Report
- Contractor Responsibility Assessments
- Supervisor Contracting Officer Report
FedDataCheck Capability
- Improving FPDS data quality
- Automating the Annual FPDS Verification & Validation Review
- Decreasing competitive one bids
- Increasing competition rates
- Monitoring higher risk vendors and those with a debt subject to offset
- Sub-awards reporting
- Increasing reported 8(a) program dollars
- Top vendor analysis
- Quicker market research
- Increasing category management utilization
- Service Contract Inventory reporting
- Identifying vendors with a tax delinquency

Power Features
FedDataCheck is a collaborative platform. We regularly build in the data quality insights from federal contracting experts, such as flagging awards that used a socioeconomic set-aside while referencing a GWAC, and we regularly add requested enhancements such as Service Contract Inventory reporting.
FPDS data quality
FedDataCheck scans all new contract action reports daily looking for FAR violations and logical inconsistencies.
Automating the V&V
Online form for collection of the Annual FPDS Verification & Validation Review audits as well as database-driven sample generation.
Ad-hoc reporting
Excel-based reporting allowing for enhanced analytical flexibility.
Data Act compliance
Graphical dashboard and web-based reports track your department’s compliance with the DATA Act.
Contractor Responsibility Assessment
Automatically generate a FAR 9.1 compliant assessment under 90 seconds via a simple email request.
Instant feedback
Automated email alerts regarding FPDS data quality, expiring one bids, not competed awards, transactions involving debarred vendors, and many more.
Our Subscribers

Why Use CBA?
- Corporate wide structure – data includes subsidiaries and parent organizations
- Convenience – an email to cba@feddatacheck.com with the 12-character UEI (Unique Entity Identifier) number returns the results in minutes
- Enhanced analysis – the official federal data is enhanced to afford insights into: active versus inactive awards; completed versus not completed awards; total possible dollar value of current awards, and much more
- Drill-to-detail – an Excel file is additionally returned to support ad-hoc, pivot table analysis
- Optional email alerts – users can receive notifications of key events such as when a major new award is won
Our Team

Director of Business Intelligence Products

AWS Manager

BI Solutions

Application Engineer
Our Testimonials

Smooth Sailing
Our large agency council subscribers occupy the top 4 positions in FPDS data quality, and 5 out of the top 6. How…?
- 7,400 CO/CS user base
- Database-driven email alerts
- Dashboards to track trends and graphically analyze results, with drill-to-detail capability
- A dashboard specifically focused on the FPDS fields tied to the DATA Act
- Monthly progress reports to acquisition oversight staff, with customized data analysis
- Excel-based, ad-hoc reporting
- Webinars on acquisition-related topics, such as likely miscoded small business set asides, FPDS’s and FSRS’s links to USAspending, and top data quality errors related to date
Contact Us
If you are interested in the FedDataCheck product or have questions about the features, please connect with us below!
Company Information
PotomacWave Consulting
1725 Duke Street
Suite #320
Alexandria, VA 22314