
Improving FAR compliance and procurement metrics through.

What are
FedDataCheck’s results?

Contractor Business

Integrated data from the three federal systems (FPDS, USAspending, and SAM)

Graphical overviewof the business performance and prospects, as well as detail data provided in Excel format

Data enhancements such as identifying active versus inactive awards as well as competed versus not competed awards

How is it done?

Contractor Responsibility Assessment Reporting

FedDataCheck uses Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to provide our customers with the information they need to get their job done – by providing detailed, on-demand customized reports that save our customer’s time. Currently three of FedDataCheck’s most popular reports are available on-demand through RPA are:
Simply send an email and you’ll receive the information you need within minutes. Contact us to see how utilizing RPA can impact your day!

FedDataCheck Capability

Power Features

FedDataCheck is a collaborative platform.  We regularly build in the data quality insights from federal contracting experts, such as flagging awards that used a socioeconomic set-aside while referencing a GWAC, and we regularly add requested enhancements such as Service Contract Inventory reporting.

FPDS data quality

FedDataCheck scans all new contract action reports daily looking for FAR violations and logical inconsistencies.

Automating the V&V

Online form for collection of the Annual FPDS Verification & Validation Review audits as well as database-driven sample generation.

Ad-hoc reporting

Excel-based reporting allowing for enhanced analytical flexibility.

Data Act compliance

Graphical dashboard and web-based reports track your department’s compliance with the DATA Act.

Contractor Responsibility Assessment

Automatically generate a FAR 9.1 compliant assessment under 90 seconds via a simple email request.

Instant feedback

Automated email alerts regarding FPDS data quality, expiring one bids, not competed awards, transactions involving debarred vendors, and many more.

Our Subscribers​

Why Use CBA?

Our Team


Director of Business Intelligence Products


AWS Manager


BI Solutions



Application Engineer

Our Testimonials

“The CRA has saved so much time by automating the process for us!”
“The contractor is very responsive and is always willing to go above and beyond with any requests.”
“The Contractor has provided exceptional quality in support of the VAs effort to improve FPDS data quality.”
Veteran Affairs

Smooth Sailing

Our large agency council subscribers occupy the top 4 positions in FPDS data quality, and 5 out of the top 6. How…?


Yes, FedDataCheck provides contracting staff training on a wide variety of procurement topics. See the FedDataCheck YouTube page to view our past training webinars.
Yes, FedDataCheck has five different data check reports related to the Buy American Act. Subscribers to FedDataCheck can rest assured that if an award is made at their Agency that violates the BAA, they will be notified within 48 hours.

Contact Us

If you are interested in the FedDataCheck product or have questions about the features, please connect with us below!

Company Information

PotomacWave Consulting
1725 Duke Street
Suite #320
Alexandria, VA 22314